| Hong
Kong Currency coins in use | |
 (A U.S. quarter
is shown for size comparison.)
| Counter-clockwise
from top : 10 dollars 5 dollars 2 dollars 1 dollar 50 cents 20
cents 10 cents
Bottom right: US quarter (US 25 cents) |
If you like to collect foreign coins from places you travel, the 2-dollar
and 10-ecnt coins will be good to get since they have ripples on the edge. The
10-dollar and 5-dollar coins are much thicker than the rest. And it will be good
to collect the old colonial coins - those issued when the British were governing
Hong Kong. They have the British queen's head on one side, and some older ones
even have King George's head on them. All such coins are still accepted as legal
tender. | |
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