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Tsing Ma Bridge

Photo credits : Hong Kong Tourism Board

Here is a new bridge (and an adjacent one) that links the new airport to urban Hong Kong.

There is a little mount (called the View Point, I believe) where you can get a closer look of it than riding in the car or bus. There is a little visitors' center with photos of the constrution process and other great bridges of the world.

A great time to go is probably at sunset. If you have time to stick around a little, the lights of the bridge come on at 8:30pm, from what I have heard.

It is reachable only by a bus running on holidays (route 243R), taxi, or private car.

  The bus runs from the Tung Chung MTR station. For private cars, there is parking available. (The parking lot is quite deserted even on a holiday - but you do have to pay, not much free lunch in HK when it comes to parking!).
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