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Discovery Bay

Above: the plaza at Discovery Bay at dusk

Often called Disco Bay or just DB among expatriates, Discovery Bay was developed to be a clean air area on Lantau Island in the 1980's. Even now only a limited number of public light buses and other fuel-powered vehicles run there. Some residents do have golf carts, however.

Since it is a ways from urban Hong Kong, it does offer you a slower and quieter lifestyle. Coupled with the beach (man-made) and the hiking trails, it is a nice hide-out from all the crowds in Hong Kong.

If your home faces the right direction, you can actually see Disneyland from across the water, complete with a free view of fireworks every night - from afar!

It can be reached by ferry from the Central Outlying Ferry Piers located across from IFC which is above the MTR Hong Kong station.


Above: the man-made beach at Discovery Bay

Above: the plaza at Discovery Bay during the day

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