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Food in Hong Kong
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Hong Kong Breakfast

Above: "dim sum" dishes

Since Hong Kong people are from many different Chinese people groups, there're also many different types of Chinese breakfast food in addition to western food.

  • Cantonese food
    • going for dim sum brunch is a common practice both for families and friends.
    • having congee, deep-fried breadsticks, and 'cheung fan' is also common.
    • having stir-friend noodles or 'cheung fan' is a quick breakfast on-the-run
  • Shanghaiese food
    • pastry and soy bean milk
  • Localized western food
    • at 'cha chaan tang' ('tea cafe' or 'tea restaurant'), there are localized western breakfast food - eggs, pancakes, French toast, hot cereal, macaroni in soup, coffee, tea, and 'yin yeung' (coffee and tea combined).
    • at the bakery, many different kinds of buns are available. Some of the popular ones are: cocktail bun, pineapple bun, roast pork bun.
  • Western food
    • though not as many choices, dry cereal is available at supermarkets
    • there're even some 24-hour breakfast restaurants that serve quite good western breakfasts. Not only do they have the usual sunny side up, over easy, ham, sausage, omelettes, etc., they even have grits! If you are from down under and need to have a Vegemite fix, they have it too!

Above: rice congee, something said by the locals to be good for cleaning out one's system. Just don't use it to clean out your gas tank.

Above: the 4x4x4 at Flying Pan, a 24-hr breakfast restaurant

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