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Restaurant Hot Spots

in Causeway

Above: Jardine's Bazaar Street in Causeway Bay with signs from many local restaurants
There is certainly no shortage of restaurants in Causeway Bay. In fact there're so many that they cannot quite fit into all the ground level shop space - or maybe the rent is too high down below. there're a number of buildings in which a number of restaurants can be found. Here is a non-exhaustive list:

The Food Street also has a number of restaurants. If you like the adventure of more of a local ambiance, Jardine's Bazaar Street has many "tea-restaurant" type of eateries. Some of them don't have English menus and you may have to 'point and order' - look around at other people's dishes and point at the ones you want to order.

Above left: neon signs in Causeway Bay many of which belong to restaurants

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